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Solo and Safe: Top 10 States in the USA Every Woman Traveler Should Visit

Life as a woman can be fun or difficult, though in some cases it does not depend on you, with external factors deciding this. The USA is a large country and every state has a different culture and a different way of life. It is widely believed that women are treated differently in different states, in terms of laws favoring them, their educational levels, medical facilities available for them, and of course their income levels when compared with males. This also means that some states are safer than others when it comes to women travelers, particularly for those traveling solo without any companions to give a feeling of security

To care for those who care for you

Women travel for the same reasons as men, on their holidays, as part of their work, or to study in a different state. The airports usually have good security arrangements around them, so while flying or at the airports, the women will feel safer. You may be worried about those strangers sitting next to you, so you may want to know what the airlines will do in this regard. Your levels of worry will also depend on how you are treated on the ground, as you may not be used to the prejudices that some may have for you. So, keeping this in mind we list the states to which you can fly to and travel as a woman without any concerns.

Read More 24 Jul 2024

10 Creative Ideas for Spicing Up Halloween Celebrations 2024

Halloween is a day dedicated to horror and is popular with youngsters in the Western world. Despite its wide popularity and grand celebrations, this day is not a holiday for anyone. This day with Celtic roots is observed on the 31st of October every year. This day has been commercialized in recent decades and there are more than a few movies of the horror genre for this day. This day isn’t meant to frighten everyone, though people in strange dresses, strange masks, or makeup can trouble the conscience of some. This day is not meant to be against any religion, though it does give ideas about the existence of ghosts and spirits.

This day is meant to encourage partying in this modern era and socializing with your neighbors or strangers. Youngsters with alternative beliefs are able to express themselves, but if you feel they are wrong, you can always correct them with the right explanations. Everyone is meant to enjoy this day, though nobody is forced to take part in the activities that go on in this day and in the night. Here we give you some suggestions

Read More 18 Jul 2024

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Flight Delay Survival Guide: 10 Essential Tips to Keep You Entertained

Nobody likes delays no matter what you will have to wait for and the delays at airports can be particularly disheartening. You will have plans for what you will be doing at the destination and these will get disrupted, as you will not be able to follow your planned timetable. However, no airline wishes to delay its flight as this gives a bad image to all potential passengers. The delays could be due to circumstances beyond their control like the weather. Other reasons could be their staff not on time or any mechanical faults with the aircraft that will need to be fixed before any takeoff. Flight delays also have a ripple effect on all the planned flights of the airlines with problems with any of their aircraft. On your part, you should check the weather forecast before booking your flights, so you can make sure that there are no delays due to natural causes.  It's always best to know your rights, so read the airline policy for what happens if your flight gets delayed. Here we suggest some ideas for what you can do as you wait for your flight.

Read More 16 Jul 2024

Top 6 Green Airlines Committed to a Sustainable Future of the Aviation Industry

The environment and its protection from harmful human activities is a priority for most nations and their leaders. The developed nations are known to cause much more pollution than the developing countries due to the fact that they consume a large proportion of natural resources whether oils or gases. As far as the airline industry is concerned, the developed nations have more airports and airlines serving them than the underdeveloped nations. So, in the efforts to curb pollution and save the world from the menace of excessive consumerism, most industries, including the aviation industry are looking for ways to reduce their impact on the natural habitat.

Read More 05 Jul 2024

Smart Ways to Find Cheap Flights for Large Families

Most families will travel together for holidays or to meet their other family members like their grandparents, uncles, cousins, or distant relatives. As for holiday destinations, there are some that are suitable for families while there are others for those looking for adventures. Most families will get together and vote for where they would want to go and usually the destination agreeable to most members of the family will be selected. In some families, the elders will have a greater say while in others the youngsters will have their own ideas, some which have been borrowed from their friends. Each member of the family will have a preference about where they want to get to, but finally either someone will come forward with a decision or the choice of the majority will be preferred.

Read More 28 Jun 2024

Flying with Pets: A Complete Guide for Pet Owners

There are different rules and regulations for pets on different airlines. Even the countries you are traveling to will have rules regarding pets being brought over from overseas. If these are not allowed in a country, you should check this before you book your flight. It will always be your responsibility to find this out, though the airlines should tell you this in advance.  So, good research on flights for pets is important. Mostly you will be allowed to take dogs or cats with you, commonly the pets most people have. You will have only have 2 options, either the pets travel in the cabin with you or they will be traveling with the checked-in baggage.

Read More 31 May 2024

Some Tips and Suggestions About Flights for Disabled

Ideally, you should let the airlines at least know about your disabilities at the time of booking your flights. If for any reason you are disabled and have not done this, you should let the airlines know at least 2-3 days in advance before the flight, so they can make all the arrangements for you. The officials at the check-in counter will be waiting for you and they will arrange easy boarding and de-boarding arrangements for you. In some cases, you may want to choose a seat for yourself or you can let the airline officials choose one for you. This will usually be done so you and your fellow passengers are comfortable with each other.

Read More 15 May 2024

Have Fun and Learn on School Holidays in the USA

Everybody needs a break from whatever they are involved with and educational institutions around the world offer their students some breaks throughout the year. In the USA the schools will offer summer breaks of a couple or more months and winter breaks around Christmas of a couple of weeks. Most schools in addition have holidays on most national days like President's Day and religious days like Good Friday. So, if you count the days the students study for half the year and the rest of the days, including weekends they will be over a break. The way most students choose to spend their breaks often depends on their age group. While some will prefer their breaks to study others will prefer to have some fun.

Read More 29 Apr 2024

Open jaw flights: another way to plan your journey

If you don’t fly often or even if you do open-jaw flights, could be a new term to you. This term refers to the type of flight booking where your origin is confirmed and there are options for destinations and where you return to. For example, you have 2 destinations with you reaching the second destination without catching a flight and you return to the origin when your purpose is served. These are different from round-trip flights where you will be traveling between 2 cities, as here you will be traveling between more of them. 

Read More 15 Apr 2024

Top 10 Travel Tips to Explore Bangkok for First Timers

If you ever ask about for best city to visit in Asia, the idea of traveling to Bangkok will be floated around you. This city is the capital of Thailand and it has the Gulf of Thailand on its southern borders. If you want to learn about any tourist destination, the best way for this will be to come in touch with or read literature from people who have been there, seen everything, and done it all. They will have had first-hand experience of dealing with the locals and will either be positive or negative about what they faced. The other option you have is to visit or come in contact with the embassy of Thailand in your country and they will be willing to answer any questions that you may have. 

Read More 03 Apr 2024

The Reasons Why You Would Catch Red Eye Flights

Flying is a different experience for different people, some enjoy it to the hilt while others dread it. If you are traveling over long distances for example to another country, you will have no option but to fly unless you are willing to spend a lot of time traveling over land or sea. Most of you will prefer to catch flights in the morning after having had a sumptuous breakfast and reach the destination before evening. However, there are times when you may not be able to book these flights due to unavailability, and in that case, you will have the Red Eye Flights.

Read More 14 Mar 2024

Some Recommendations for Your Amsterdam Things To Do List

Europe has several outstanding destinations that give you reasons to come there again and again. Your choice of a city to travel to will depend on what you want to do once you get there. If you want to visit some churches you could try Rome with the Vatican close to it. If you want to go to the beaches there are numerous cities in the south of Europe to welcome you. If you want to explore European culture, Amsterdam will be at the top of your list. This city is called the Venice of the West having a system of canals similar to the city in Italy. Those of you working on your Amsterdam things to do list should add a boat trip to it, so you can see a large part of the city in a fun way, with the least effort.

Read More 27 Feb 2024

7 Good Travel Tips for Making Flying with Your Infant Simpler

Becoming parents changes the lifestyle of every couple, though your journey of life with them has just begun. Now if you are planning to travel you will want to make sure that they are as comfortable as possible on the aircraft. Ideally, you should consult your doctor to make sure that your infant is healthy enough to travel. You should not take chances if your child is below the age of a month, though after they are 6 months old, you can usually take them with you without permission of any healthcare professional.

Read More 13 Feb 2024

Best Solo Travel Tips for a Transformative Journey to Adventurous Destinations

There are different ways to learn different things in life. Some learn through their teachers while others prefer self-study. If you want to learn about a region or a city, the best way to do this is to travel to that place. As for traveling again, there are different kinds of travelers, some prefer to travel with a group while others travel solo. Most people prefer to be with others when they travel due to safety and security concerns, on the other hand, solo travelers will have to be brave hearts and adventurous to go to a place they have not visited before.

Read More 01 Feb 2024

8 Tips to Make Your Long Haul Flight a Success

Flying long-haul flights and that too in economy can be mentally and physically challenging. Whether you are flying from London to a destination in the Indian subcontinent or from Australia to the USA, you will be in a corner for some long hours. You will not be in a bus, where you can open your window for open air or close it when you want to or ask the driver to stop when you feel like vomiting. Once the aircraft doors are closed, these will open only at the destination airport or at some stopovers where you may or may not be allowed to get out of the aircraft. These flights, even in economy cabins are not cheap and nobody will expect you to stay hungry and thirsty over these long journeys. In fact, you will have some entertainment too along with some different sounds and sights. Still, those who have done this all before, have some suggestions which will make your life on these flights much easier.

Read More 17 Nov 2023

Some Eye Opening Ideas on How to Find the Best Flight Deals

Spending money is always a complex decision-making process, no matter what the size of your bank balance is. When it comes to buying, we all would prefer to pay as little as possible and this is true for flights too, which means that you will be after the best flight deals, whenever possible. Buying air tickets online is very different from other e-commerce activities. If you are buying a product online you will have to browse a number of sites if you want to compare the prices or you may be checking online to see if you can get something for less than what it is being offered in the local market for. In the case of airfare, there are the airlines' sites and apps, and so are the Online Travel Agencies for booking your flights. The other option you have is to call up your trusted travel agent to discuss flight rates.

Read More 08 Nov 2023

Good Behavior is Recommended for Flights

There are rules for most public spaces, about things that you can do and those you cannot. Mostly you are required not to be too loud and not to disturb others. For instance, if you go inside an art gallery, complete silence will be expected of you, so everyone can enjoy the work of the masters without getting disturbed. In the case of flights, the airlines do not tell you how to behave, though they will tell you that you should have consideration for your fellow passengers when you do anything. This is simply because you are not flying in a private plane and the flight attendants have to equally divide their attention between the different passengers.

Read More 16 Oct 2023

All About Baggage and Your Flights

When you are planning a flight, you will be planning for your air tickets, hotel bookings and on-land travel arrangements. There are different reasons why you want to catch a flight. Mostly these are for leisure or business, but you may be a student starting a course or you may be  planning to join your entire family on a major vacation. What you will be taking with you will be considered baggage by the airlines you are flying with. You are usually allowed to check in 1 or 2 bags and you can carry a handbag with you, apart from a personal item.

Read More 16 Oct 2023

The Right Time to Get to the Airport

When you are planning a trip somewhere, you will want to be as thorough as possible, making sure that there are no mistakes. If you are opting for flights over trains or buses, there could be numerous reasons for this. Mostly it will be much quicker and it is also considered to be the safest mode of transport. So, you have decided upon where you will be staying and have calculated the amount you will need to spend on your trip. Alternatively, your company may have decided everything for you if you are going for a business tour, with some inputs from you.

Read More 16 Oct 2023

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