Season Getaway - FlightsChannel Travel Blog

An Unforgettable Summer Getaway Ocean Adventure in Tenerife

If you ask anyone what they would like to do in their summer holidays, they will always say that they would like to head out to the beaches. And if you ask them what part of the world they would like to visit in summer, they will say Spain or Greece. Tenerife will also be in the minds of some of them, having heard about it from those they know or having seen programs on television about it. If you ask travel agents for more details, you will be told that it is the largest island in the archipelago of the Canary Islands, a Spanish territory surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. It is closer to Morocco than it is to Spain, so you can expect influences of diverse cultures. This island has a few small towns, each with different types of sights to admire.

Read More 27 Mar 2024

Plan a Family Getaway to Cancun this Summer and Enjoy the Coastal Frolic

Summer is a season that most people in the Western world look forward to. These are not as long as the winters in most of the American states, particularly those in the north. There are numerous destinations that you can travel in this season including domestic ones and international ones. Among these, the name Cancun is discussed often by travel advisors with people planning to go on a trip to Mexico. It is suitable not just for young travelers but for families too, with activities suitable for them. The beaches here are the main attractions, but there is quite a bit to see in the interiors too.

Read More 08 Feb 2024

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Tourist Destinations in Switzerland to Make the Most of Spring Season

Switzerland is a prime destination for most tourists irrespective of the season. You can come here in the summer to enjoy the scenery or in the winter to indulge in all kinds of snow activities. So, what about a spring break in this country? This season starts in March end and ends in mid-June, in this part of Europe. As you would expect all trees and plants will welcome you smiling along with the grass. This is not a peak season by any means, so you will be able to get flights and accommodation for less. This will be the ideal time for you if you don’t prefer large crowds when you are on vacation.

Read More 18 Jan 2024

Top Winter Getaways in Latin America and Caribbean that You Cannot Ignore

Winter is usually not regarded as a peak season for tourism from any angle. Most people take their annual holidays in summer, particularly families with children as this is the time for their summer breaks which last over a month. You may get a break of a week around the year end, when the temperatures are near or below the freezing point for most of the USA. A large number of people will prefer to celebrate these at home, burning the logs and having family dinners. Though there are others who will go for holidays in these months and they will always have 2 options. Either you can go to a destination where you will get to play with snow or to get away from it all to a sunny one.

Read More 03 Jan 2024

5 Things to Know about Planning for a Getaway to Europe

Most people will consider domestic destinations when they are planning their holidays, whether in summer or winter. The reason for this is that they don’t just feel safer but they are comfortable with people who speak the same language as themselves. It is commonly believed that Americans know more about their country than other parts of the world, if true, their chances of traveling abroad are very low. Still, quite a few Americans travel to other nations in their continent and close by for seasonal getaways. There are winter getaways in the Caribbean and Mexico, to escape the chill in your city. However, some of you may have some interest in European destinations for various reasons and mostly you will go there in your summer holidays unless you want to celebrate your Christmas or New Year holidays there.

Read More 07 Dec 2023

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