Most Dangerous Destinations to Fly To: Risks and Insights
21 Jan 2025
The world that we live in has almost 200 nationalities, a few major religions, different languages and of course regions with different geographies like deserts, mountains, forests and others which often dictate the economic prosperity of the country these are in. Those who follow current affairs on any media will find that the reports of violence and troubles within a country or between countries are always at the top. Some Americans may wonder what we have got to do with political instabilities and coups that take place at lands across the oceans. However, in the last few centuries with colonization western nations made serious relationships with countries that are now called developing countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Middle East. And now they rely heavily on the resources both natural and human, for keeping up their prosperous lifestyle. So, any trouble there can mean trouble for you.
Sometimes statesmen can be trusted
As for the flying business, the airlines have to do what the government of their country asks them to do and if a country is not doing what is demanded, flights to it can be cancelled till normal relations are restored. Since the 2 world wars in the first half of 20th century, there was the cold war and now the threat of terrorism which has destabilized countries in the Middle East, apart from attacks of different magnitudes in the western countries. Apart from manmade threats, there are natural disasters too which may make a territory difficult to navigate and why will you be going there when everyone is trying to run away. Here we list some nations that have been found unfit to receive flights for the reasons you may or may not already know.
The west of Middle East
The Israeli-Palestinian relationship has been a complicated on for almost a century, with the Jewish state backed by western powers and Palestine supported by almost every Islamic nation in the world and noy just those on the Arabian Peninsula. The troubles have started there again making most airlines cancelling their flights to Israel, mostly because they face possible threat of hijacking and the aircraft being targeted by the terrorist or coming in the way of Israeli missiles. The Jewish diaspora is spread across the western world and those who come back for annual holidays will have to cancel these. The flights that are operating will be those getting what Israel needs to come on top and carrying diplomats of different nations hoping to help with a quick solution to the current problems.
No flights over Russian airspace
It has been a few years since Russia made an attempt to invade Ukraine and the victim country has been doing what it can to protect itself, with support of most western nations. This has meant that these countries are refusing visas to Russians to come to their countries and Russia has reciprocated by doing the same to citizens of these countries. The 2 nations were once part of the same communist bloc but have come a long way since then. Most western countries have also refused to fly over Russian airspace or to Russian airports, which can be economically damaging in the hope that Russia will back up. Though there are countries from other parts of the world like China and North Korea, traditional Asian allies of Russia and you can fly with their airlines to reach here, as long as you have the proper documentation.
Taliban is back in Afghanistan
The 9/11 attacks made USA attack Afghanistan in 2001 and they established a military presence there which remained there for over a decade. But after they left the old Islamic parties are back in control, replacing the democratic parties that USA supported to stabilize the region. This country has a limited number of airports and those there are do not have a very good infrastructure. Also, the flights on offer will be from Islamic countries only, not many but plenty for those who believe that an adventure is possible here. One of the reasons for other nations to refuse flights to Afghanistan is to make it difficult for radical elements from their country to travel to this nation.
African nations
African nations are known to rate very low as far as the quality of life is concerned, which means a lot of people living in poverty which means that security is required for the wealthy persons and not just the foreigners. The continent itself is large, with different cultures and languages of different nations, but the common theme as far as economy is concerned is that there are lots of natural resources, but these benefit a few and not many, leading to the problems. Most countries have tried to democratize but most western embassies will choose to offer a negative image of these countries to dissuade their citizens from coming here. In any case all visitors to the nations here will be required to obtain a visa which can be hard to get.
Iran, Libya and North Korea
There are some countries on the planet that are openly hostile to USA, whether due to ideologies other than capitalism or not approving of their influence on their culture. USA at one point on another confronted these nations with conflicts of different sizes, mostly due to attacks that they believed were organized by these nations. This has meant that there have been no flights to these countries for some decades not just from USA, but a number of other western nations don’t allow their airlines to offer flights to these.
So, who will want to travel to these nations, adventurers, those interested in the history of these or in their current affairs, or looking to help the disadvantaged locals. No matter what your reasons are, it will be best for you to calculate the risks before you choose to come to these via any routes.
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